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معلومات حساب البنك

لمؤسسة بنا

اسم البنك : Ziraat Bankasi

اسم الحساب : Suriye Bina Derneği

BNA Foundation launched the Hope Partners Program to support young people inside Syria in order to stabilize them in their country , complete their university studies and establish their economic projects that secure them a decent life and contribute to the renaissance of our beloved country within a framework of high values and morals that Banna Foundation is keen to promote in the fence society.

  • The Hope Partners Program offers two types of grants:
  • Partners of Hope Scholarship for University Studies:

It is a monthly scholarship throughout the university study period that contributes to covering the living expenses of young people who chose to pursue their university studies in northern Syria, especially young people displaced from Ghouta and other areas. The young person who receives the scholarship is committed to an intellectual skills program consisting of a set of courses and books that provide the young man with knowledge and skills that refine his awareness and make him a creative person who initiates the race to good deeds, in addition to adhering to the ethical charter of the Hope Partners Program, which aims to fortify the Syrian society with lofty values and morals.

  • Hope Partners Grant for Small Projects:

It is a grant provided by Banna Foundation to those who have an economic project in northern Syria that needs financial support, so Banna Foundation enters with him as a (speculative partner) and gives the young beneficiary the option to own the project according to certain conditions. The young person benefiting from the scholarship is committed to the ethical charter of the Hope Partners Program, which aims to immunize the Syrian society with high values and morals.

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A non-profit community development and capacity building organization registered in Türkiye, With its headquarters in Istanbul, It was established in 2014 and officially announced on January 22, 2015 with registration number 1120.