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معلومات حساب البنك

لمؤسسة بنا

اسم البنك : Ziraat Bankasi

اسم الحساب : Suriye Bina Derneği

Badir is an educational and funding initiative aimed at ambitious Syrian youth who dream of a successful start in the business world. The program supports emerging ideas and innovative projects through three main phases:

  1. Training: Intensive training sessions are held for 12 weeks, where participants are provided with the knowledge and tools to turn their ideas into practical and realistic projects. This stage ends with a competition where projects are presented and evaluated.
  2. Submission and selection: At this stage, the three most prominent projects are selected according to specific criteria of innovation, feasibility, and expected impact.
  3. Financial support and follow-up: The three winning projects will receive a grant of two thousand dollars for each project, in addition to guidance, follow-up and guidance in their next steps.

What is unique about Badir is that it does not stop at funding limits only. Rather, it extends to providing continuous support to winning projects by connecting to a wide network of companies and people interested in supporting startups.

The program opens its doors to every Syrian youth who wish to contribute to building a better and brighter future for Syria. But it requires commitment and seriousness in carrying out the tasks required.

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A non-profit community development and capacity building organization registered in Türkiye, With its headquarters in Istanbul, It was established in 2014 and officially announced on January 22, 2015 with registration number 1120.